
My Ex-Husband Killed My Daughter

My name is Kris, and I have been a domestic violence advocate now for 21 years. In addition to my advocacy work, I have also become a resiliency speaker sharing my own story of domestic violence and the horrifying events that led up to the murder of my 3yr old daughter, Miranda.

Survivor Story: He Stalked Me and Tried to Kill Me After I Left

Submitted by: *Nancy, Survivor As noted by the National Domestic Violence Hotline, the presence of firearms in homes where domestic violence occurs increases the risk of fatality by 500 percent. Guns are often used by abusers to threaten and intimidate their victims, and, unfortunately, also in domestic violence murder. Some prior victims of violent crimes […]

Angel Story: My Sister Was Shot by Her Fiancé as Her Daughter Slept in the Next Room

Submitted By: Hailey, sister of Lindsey The presence of firearms in a domestic violence situation dramatically increases risk of fatality. The American Journal of Public Health published research showing that a firearm in possession of the abuser increases risk of death by 500%. Additionally, guns are used by abusers to murder women in over half […]

Survivor Story: A Son Saves His Mother’s Life

Submitted By: Jovan, Survivor Domestic violence affects millions of women, men, and children each year. For military families dealing with abuse, there are unique obstacles and stressors generally not faced by civilian families. In addition to service members struggling with the stress of deployment, frequent moves, combat assignments, and work-related issues, many military families also […]

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