
Finding My Voice: Breaking the Silence on Domestic Abuse

I’m new here Because I didn’t think I belonged. I wore the idea that I was broken, which altered my perception of events. Coming from a long line of abused women fed into the idea that, yeah, my brokenness was at play. But after leaving for the third time in 14 years, I started to […]

Run 4 Her: Empowering Women, Supporting Survivors – Join Us! by Victoria Tatum

With March being Women’s Health Month, we partake in our annual Run 4 Her event. While we are strengthening our own bodies as we run or walk, we raise money to support domestic violence survivors. Too many women have experienced the effects of domestic violence, forever impacting their physical and mental health. So, who are […]

Silent Suffering: My Journey Through Abuse and Isolation by Victoria Tatum

Every year I start with a brand new class. I always wonder what they have experiencedbefore they walked into my classroom. Some have been hurt emotionally, some physically, andsome have never experienced domestic violence in their lives. It’s such a mixed bag, but one ofthe jobs of a teacher is to support their students and […]

Breaking the Silence: My Struggle with Abuse and Isolation

I met a lad who abused me and hurt my son and I couldn’t do a thing and couldn’t call for help. he would isolate me from my family always asked me who texted me and who called and if I didn’t say he would kick off and start shouting and then go on to […]

Escaping Domestic Violence: My 11-Year Nightmare by Chalayne

  I was dating a guy for 11 years which we had a child together. And one night we went out and he got so drunk that he beat me in the kids because he couldn’t get in my pants. He was always an alcoholic but that night. It was just a little bit worse […]

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