
Survivor Story: A Torch in My Hand, Facing My Darkness

Written by: BTSADV Survivor “A Torch in My Hand, Facing My Darkness” Every time I close my eyes, I say a prayer and am just thankful to be here. Though there are times that I get panic attacks, my brain gets foggy, and I break out in sweats, and there were times that I cried […]

What is a Protective Order?

By Rebecca Lynn Ending an abusive relationship is statistically one of the most dangerous times for a survivor. Making sense of the legal system and understanding how to protect yourself after leaving is complicated and unpredictable. Domestic violence advocates, like those at BTS, can help you with community resources, tips to stay safe, and legal […]

Survivor Story: Family Court Forced Me to Co-Parent with My Abuser

Written by: BTSADV Survivor I started dating him when I was a freshman in high school and got pregnant a year later. Things started changing slowly—a shove here, a push there, sometimes with my daughter in my arms. He would pin me against the wall with his forearm on my neck, yelling and cursing at […]

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