Survivor Story: My Abuser Repeatedly Strangled Me

Written by: BTSADV Survivor I was almost 14 years old when the verbal and emotional abuse had started. It was when I was pregnant with my son that he began hurting me physically. He mentally abused me for months before it escalated, and I never realized that he was the reason I was harming myself. […]

What to Expect from Therapy

By Emilie Trepanier So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and do that thing everyone keeps saying is necessary for your well-being: Go to therapy. First, I want to be sappy and tell you I’m proud of you, and I admire your strength. Realizing therapy is your next step may not have been easy and […]

Empowerment Through Self-Defense

By Rebecca Lynn The word self-defense is often defined by stereotypes and myths. To a domestic violence survivor, it may bring to mind the movie Enough. Jennifer Lopez transforms from a defenseless victim into a lean, mean killing machine. She seeks revenge against her abuser and in the end, gets it. Like most movies, she […]

Survivor Story: Devine Faith

By Jamey Sheesley Devine Kelly grew up in a home with domestic violence. Her brother was abusive to his girlfriend and Devine heard the screams and the punches. She saw his girlfriend run out of her brother’s room with a bloody face. It was then that she knew that she did not want to be […]

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