My Story – Katherine

I was 17-years-old when we met at a political event in the summer of 2016. He was 38 and the Vice-Chair of a prominent political party in the state of Utah. Within the first few minutes of us meeting, he made it very clear that he found me attractive. We quickly exchanged numbers and hung […]

My Story – Samantha

Late last year not long before Christmas I was physically assaulted by my partner at the time. He had asked me to lie to his ex partner to create chaos and drama and just because ehe is a narcissist and need attention. I refused to do so, he then began to verbal and mentally abuse […]

Inviting Men to Break Their Silence 

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AFFECTS EVERYONE It is not just a female issue.   When people hear about domestic violence, the image of a female experiencing abuse often rushes to mind. Contrary to popular belief, women are not the only people experiencing domestic violence. Men are victims too. The Centers for Disease Control estimates, “About 1 in 3 […]

When We Need Dad the Most: 5 Things My Dad Saw

Nearly 1 in 4 women/1 in 9 men, experience physical abuse by a partner, in the United States, which equates to 10 million women and men a year. National Statistics, I want to give you a story of dark and light in plain, solid truth.  Dad’s care, especially those who are hard at love. […]

My Story – Mecca

Fredrick Harris has been terrorizing women in Vegas for over 10 years. He tried to have me killed I have proof. Several women have contacted me sharing very personal and similar experiences. I’m going live every day until he is off the street. I’m in Hiding because he has vowed to kill me. I’ve reported […]

My Story – Nicole

I was married to a man who would verbally, mentally, and physically abuse me and said if I was a better mom and wife I would do better and when I hit my lowest point I overdosed on 28 muscle relaxers and when he saw me taking the pills he said 28 wasn’t enough and […]

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