
The Journey of a Domestic Violence Survivor: Healing and Resilience

By Survivor The life of a Survivor of Domestic ViolenceThe repair of the abuse is never repaired because the damage is too unrepairable, mental or physical abuse stays with the survivor for life.Future relationships will be affected by the triggers of the survivor and the relationship will usually suffer, to the extent that the relationship […]

Recognizing Emotional Abuse: A Gay Male Survivor’s Story.

By Survivor Connor I was about 14 when this happened, and I didn’t realise it was domestic violence until a I was 16. When I was 14, I started texting this guy who was 16. His name was John and we instantly had such a great friendship, we would text daily and facetime and call […]

From Darkness to Strength: A Survivor’s Journey Through Abuse and Healing.

By Survivor Angela When the World shut down in March 2020 the internet became a vulnerable time for meeting new people. My man and I started our relationship through mutual friends on Face Book. He was from SCV, California and I lived there for nearly 13 years before moving to Huntington Beach,Ca. This began a […]

Healing from Childhood Trauma: A Letter to My Step-Father

By Survivor Hi I wanted to share this message I’m sending to my stepfather who perved on me throughout my teen years in hopes it will help others who might have experienced this confusing version of abuse. Hi I know it’s taken a while for me to talk about this and I do feel like […]

Break the Silence: The Urgent Need for Domestic Violence Reporting

by Jessica Christian Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that affects millions globally, transcending gender, age, race, and economic status. Despite its widespread nature, it remains one of the most underreported crimes. Factors such as stigma, fear of retaliation, and limited access to resources contribute to the silence surrounding this critical issue. At Break the […]

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