“The Life of a Domestic Violence Survivor: Breaking Free and Rebuilding Self-Worth”
By Survivor The life of a Survivor of Domestic ViolenceThe repair of the abuse is never repaired because the damage is too unrepairable, mental or physical abuse stays with the survivor for life.Future relationships will be affected by the triggers of the survivor and the relationship will usually suffer, to the extent that the relationship […]
The Life of a Domestic Violence Survivor: Healing, Strength, and Resilience
BY Survivor I was in a year-long relationship with my partner. In the beginning, he took me out on dates, showered me with love and affection, and showed me off to his friends. He was a school athlete and was busy with classes and practice, but he spent time with me at night whenever he […]
The Life of a Domestic Violence Survivor: Healing, Strength, and Resilience
By Survivor The life of a Survivor of Domestic ViolenceThe repair of the abuse is never repaired because the damage is too unrepairable, mental or physical abuse stays with the survivor for life.Future relationships will be affected by the triggers of the survivor and the relationship will usually suffer, to the extent that the relationship […]
Surviving Domestic Violence: A Journey of Resilience and Hope
By Survivor My first experience with domestic violence was at age 14 with my high school boyfriend. He was controlling and forced me to have sex with him at his house, in the school bathroom. He would get upset at me and sometimes hit me but just light enough not to leave a mark. We […]
Escaping Abuse: A Journey from Fear to Empowerment
By Survivors Tracey Below is a condensed version of my story. Thank you for all you to spread awareness and provide support and hope for those affected by abuse! There I was, staring into the mirror on an early November day in 2022 and not recognizing the woman looking back at me. That scared me […]
A Survivor’s Story: Strength, Resilience, and Hope for Victims of Domestic Violence.
By Survivor Diane By sharing my story, I hope to offer solace and support to other survivors and women who have experienced abuse. My goal is to let them know they are not alone and that healing is possible. Every dollar from the book’s sales will be donated to organizations supporting victims of domestic violence. […]