A Man Can Be a Victim Too I have been married for nearly 25 years, and and as far as I know, my wife has been cheating on me for 13 of those years. I thought we were fine. I thought all was well, and each time it happened, I was truly convinced each instance was my fault. So I forgave her each time. She had an affair with my boss, my best friend, and even my attorney. She convinced me that my weaknesses and demons warranted her behavior so I put up with it, feeling absolutely terrible for being the root cause of her actions. She ened up getting pregnant to one of her “lovers”, but the time I truly discovered the truth, I had already fell in love with the baby and I refused to give her up. I’m currently raising another man’s child, but it isn’t her fault how she got here. She’s a human being. A person. She is now 3 years old and knows me as “dadda” and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It shatters my heart how she got here, but it mends my heart that she is here. I have written a full book about my wife’s terrible physical and narcissistic abuse, and she has truly performed acts that only the most depraved yet creative Hollywood writers could ever contemplate. I am healing, but the pain seems neverending. By survivor |
The Journey of a Domestic Violence Survivor: Healing and Resilience
By Survivor The life of a Survivor of Domestic ViolenceThe repair of the abuse is never repaired because the damage is too unrepairable, mental or physical abuse stays with the survivor for life.Future relationships will be affected by the triggers of the survivor and the relationship will usually suffer, to...