Amanda Pinwell Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Amanda Pinwell speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


I got married at the age of 20. In the beginning ( so I thought) he was very caring and loving. Everything seemed normal in the relationship. He would be funny, he would have a laugh and he would talk to my parents and grandparents.
We got engaged and then married. Up until the wedding he was normal. As soon as the wedding ring got put on he changed. He began limiting the time I spent with my parents and grandparents.
He was happy enough to goto his parents but not mine. He started saying they were plebs who lived in the gutter and that I had climbed the ladder. He figured he was of higher standing. He wasn’t.
We had our first child. He told me to abort her but I said no. After we had her he was at college getting a business and law degree. He would tell me I wasnt allowed out the house to take pur daughter for a walk, I wasnt allowed to walk around to my parents. He said he would find out if I did go out,so I stayed in the house. Soon he stopped me seeing my parents and grandparents and friends
Its along story over 23 years of it.
He moved us back to the country next to his parents and became abusive and physically abusive
I had previous spine surgery, I couldn’t do what he needed to he broke a door and whacked me across the lumba spine where I had surgery and I was pregnant.
When our second daughter was months I was crying for my mum. He put a pillow over my face, put his arm across it and then beat shit out my stomach, the pillow was to silence my cries he nearly suffocated me.
His control became coercive aswell. Made me believe noone else wanted me that my parents hated me and didnt want me around. His mum would tell me shed seen my mum in town and that my mum told her she wanted nothing to do with me.
After having twins the one twin had issues due to her birth. One night he beat me so hard on the back of the kneck I passed out. He has prolapsed 3 discs in my kneck just touching the spinal cord. They can’t operate on it so I have 24/7 pain for life now.
Life just carried on through the years with verbal, physical,physiologically,mental, financial. He would hit me, shout at me, swear at me. He controlled every aspect of my life and kept the doors locked. He wouldnt let me out shopping either.. all this abuse came to a head in 2011, we had, had a 25weeker. She had been bought home. After a couple months she was still on oxygen. She made a noise so I went up to see her. He shouted up the hallway “how long are you gonna be with that spack”! So I told him it wasn’t nice and not to say that again. Next I knew he came into the room and punched me in the eye twice, I screamed and got him out the room. He then beat me again, punching me in the head and stomach. When we got to the bottom of the hallway he punched me again in the eye, split my nose,lip and left swellings all over my skull. My daughter got me out the house, but I had nowhere to go and my daughter was on oxygen.
Eventually I managed to leave. He turned all my kids against me, he told my younger ones who stayed there because i had no money that I was dead and prevented me seeing them. They believed i was dead for awhile.
This situation is still ongoing and there was alot more abuse and situations, it would take me weeks to write it all out. It took 8hrs in a police station making a statement. I’ve been to womens aid while opened my eyes on the whole of my relationship. I also suggest PTSD and anxiety.
I am now remarried and happy. He is now being investigated.


Amanda Pinwell Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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