Amy Stevens Gaudreau Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Amy Stevens Gaudreau speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


It all started in late 2013 when I met him and he told me how he abused his ex girlfriend during prom.
In the back of my mind I knew he wasn’t a good guy but I wanted him so bad.
He mistreated me in front of my son, and I just took it. I Protected my son from him but still stayed with him.
In 2015 I moved to a new city, far away from my family with my son to start a new life him.
At 6 weeks pregnant, I never imagined my ex was going to try and terminate my pregnancy by kicking me as hard as he could in the stomach. Knocked the wind out of me, and I thought this is it, he’s either going to Kill my baby or me.
After already 2 years of abuse I thought I’d had enough. I called 911 and they came, they involved child protection since my son was present during the assault.
Child protection and victim services urged me to move away, it wasn’t safe to be in the same city as him, without any support from anybody I knew.
So I packed everything I could pick up myself into a U-Haul, left behind what was too heavy and left to a tiny town on the outskirts of Bathurst.
Not knowing this is where his entire family and friends were.
I spent almost my entire pregnancy alone, worrying if the baby was going to have problems due to the assault.
At 8 months pregnant I was so lonely, I think I forgot how bad he was to me.
I took him back
The violence continued, the lies got worst… People who I didn’t know from that city were bullying me with him. I was tormented.
I had to end it again
I moved to a larger city where he followed me not long after, and we eventually rekindled for a very short period of time. This is where the abuse got out of hand, I was being thrown down the stairs, remotes wiped at my face, my tooth was chipped, he broke my laptop, phone (3rd one) and stole and sold many other items including some of my son’s. I wasn’t allowed to have friends. I wasn’t even allowed to have my own money. He beat me up in the yard and nobody came to help, but later on people had said they’d seen.
I was so ashamed, and felt so low.
I had to get away from him for good.
It’s been 3 years since this day….
I wish I can say the abuse has stopped but he continues to emotionally and verbally abuse me and my daughter On a regular basis…
He has visitation rights with her so there’s nothing I can do but endure it.
To help myself, I participated in the iHeal program and got some counselling.
All in all I’m dealing with it all better now, nobody is going to break me.
I am strong enough to get through this and my kids are amazing.
I am a survivor


Amy Stevens Gaudreau Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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