Angel Story: My Sister Was Shot by Her Fiancé as Her Daughter Slept in the Next Room

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Submitted By: Hailey, sister of Lindsey

The presence of firearms in a domestic violence situation dramatically increases risk of fatality. The American Journal of Public Health published research showing that a firearm in possession of the abuser increases risk of death by 500%. Additionally, guns are used by abusers to murder women in over half of domestic violence homicides.

Hailey is the sister of a woman who was shot to death by her fiancé as her eight-year-old daughter slept in the next room. She shares with us about the end of her sister’s life and how this loss has impacted her, her niece, and those who loved her.

On December 8, 2016, my sister Lindsey was shot and killed by her fiancé. He and the girl he was having an affair with carefully planned her murder for several weeks before going through with it. Together, they plotted to take my sister’s life – for what, I will never know and can never understand.

He shot her in the head and took his time disposing of both the guns he brought with him that night. Afterward, he staged the scene, trying to make it appear as though the gunshot was self-inflicted. He changed his clothes and made sure Lindsey was dead before going to the next room to check if her eight-year-old girl was still sleeping soundly.

Once her fiancé finished cleaning up, he made a frantic phone call to 911 stating that his girlfriend had shot herself. The police and EMTs arrived within minutes of the call. All the while, her daughter still laid asleep in the next room. Police on the scene realized there were signs of a struggle in the bedroom where my sister laid dead. They noticed there was no gun next to her and observed that her fiancé was exhibiting strange behavior.

When my sister was pronounced dead, and the scene had finally been cleared, they allowed him to go back into the house to pick up her daughter and carry her out to my mom. They did not want him to be alarmed that he was a suspect and run.

My niece is forever broken. Her heart and love will never be the same without her mom. Lindsey is missed dearly every single day. Her love is irreplaceable because she filled everyone’s heart with so much joy and happiness. She made an impact on peoples’ lives, and we will carry her with us in our hearts for the remainder of our years.

His heartless actions to pull the trigger that night and take a beautiful soul will haunt me for the rest of my life. He, however, has to live every day behind bars and think about what he has done. Lindsey will never be forgotten, and everyone that loves her will continue to keep her spirit and story alive. 

**If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, there is help. You can visit the Break the Silence website at, chat with one of our helpline advocates at 855-287-1777, or send a private message through our Facebook page.


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