
Do you want to be an agent of change for the cause. Support survivors and their families?

Volunteer with us Today. 

**Disclaimers – There is no guarantee that you will be placed on a volunteer team. You may be exposed to triggers and stressors due to the nature of the volunteer work.

  •  You must be away from your DV situation for at least 1 year.
  •  There is no guarantee that you will be placed on a volunteer team.
  •  You must be fluent in English (speaking, reading, writing).
  •  You must have a computer with reliable internet and a working phone.
  •  You may be exposed to triggers and stressors due to the nature of the volunteer work.
  •  You must be over the age of 18 years old.
  •  You must be away from your DV situation for at least 1 year.
  •  There is no guarantee that you will be placed on a volunteer team.
  •  You must be fluent in English (speaking, reading, writing).
  • Must be committed to volunteering for 6 months or more.

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