Break the Cycle

Picture of BreakTheSilenceDV


I’m 22 years old. I was in a relationship with this man since November 2010 and left October 2013. In the coarse of our relationship the first thing he did was jerk me off the couch by my hair and it progressed worst over time.

One day we got into a argument, I don’t even remember what about, but he choked me until I lost consciousness. I woke to him checking my pulse.

Another incident, we were having a party and he beat me in front of everyone. When people tried to intervene he kicked everyone out. I used to have snake bites piercings in my lips; one day he grabbed my mouth so hard that piercing knocked out my front cap. The only thing I felt I had left – my smile – he ruined.

He was very controlling. I received my dream job working as a bartender on Beale St in Memphis. I remember working a bourbon tasting with Jesse James from Jackyl. When I got home that night he was so furious he broke my nose punching me in the face. I had a gun pointed to my head. There has been countless times where I thought I would die.

Finally over this last summer he was in jail, I ran into the man that was my childhood love. When my ex got out and found out, he saw me at the store, jumped in my truck and said he wanted to talk. He took my phone, read my text and saw that I thought I was pregnant. He then punched me in my stomach and bashed my head against my truck, door and that was the last of him I’m so happy now that my life is perfect.

My ex got arrested on felony burglary charges so I won’t be hearing from him and me and my boyfriend just got a place together and I finally know what real love is.

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