Break the Silence 2019: What BTS Has in Store for the New Year

By Jamey Sheesley

Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence started in 2011 with founder Kristen Paruginog breaking her silence. Since 2011, BTS has been spreading Kristen’s voice through social media and other forms. Fast forward to the end of 2018 and the BTS Facebook page has over 100,000 followers and the message against domestic violence will not stop there.

Social Media & Advocacy

In 2019, there are plans to create a consistent message between the social media team and the blog team in order to share consistent imagery and branding. According to Social Media Director Brian Nguyen, “The new year brings new adventures and new goals, such as working on taking our social media platforms to the next level by working with influencers across various mediums to collaborate and break the silence against domestic violence.”

We will also place more focus on male survivors and their stories and engage more men through social media. There is a new male support group on Facebook, as well.  

Kristen Paruginog wants all men to know, “We want our brothers to know we are there for them too. Break the Silence supports those from any background…we accept you and we love you.”

This also includes undocumented immigrants; please do not hesitate to reach out to BTS. “Everyone should be able to seek help if they live in the United States,” said Kristen.


Not only will BTS be ramping up on social media to share the message, the BTS Helpline will be there to help anyone in their time of need. According to Helpline Director Megan Ultimo, “We will have a goal of 2000 calls for 2019 and a goal of 7 advocates for each day of the week, as well as a per diem advocate to have on-call when needed.”


Another important part of the 2019 is fundraising. You are now able to create a Birthday Fundraiser and other Fundraisers on Facebook for BTS. Without fundraising, BTS survivors would not be able to receive help with breaking their silence through various programs such as the Angel Run, the BTS scholarship program, Hope for the Holidays and many more.

According to Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence Board President Tara Woodlee, “The Angel Run is going to look a lot different this year and that is what I am most excited about because it is going to be more personalized.”

More people are able to participate because it is not a virtual run this year. Supporters can create an Angel Run for their own local area, which is more personable for those participating. Different families will be able to fundraise the amount they can for the Angel Run campaign. The Angel Family Campaign runs from July 1 through July 22.

There is also a new and exciting campaign BTS t-shirt campaign in 2019. This year there will be fresh designs more often, so be sure to check out the BTS store here.

Volunteers & Outreach

BTS is also looking for more volunteers and ambassadors. According to Woodlee, “Our goal is to eventually have separate chapters in different states so we can reach more survivors.”

BTS accepts volunteers from all over the country each volunteer works toward a common goal of awareness, hope, and healing. According to Volunteer Outreach Coordinator Daphne Hesse, “My goal as Volunteer Outreach Coordinator is to bring on at least 90 additional volunteers by the end of the year. I believe we are going to grow our BTS family even stronger this year and be able to extend our resources out further.”

Managing Director Kayla Allen also has the vision to reach more survivors and to reach more supporters. According to Kayla, “BTS is in a place of evolution that will benefit every person that is reached directly or indirectly.”

Anyone and everyone can be a supporter of BTS. If you need help, please do not hesitate to reach out and get help from BTS. If you want to volunteer even though you have never volunteered before do not hold back and reach out. Your voice matters. Visit our website to fill out a volunteer application form. Remember it does not matter what state you live in, you can still volunteer and make a difference.

break the silence against domestic violence

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