Break Your Silence


Surviving domestic violence is an incredibly difficult journey, but sharing your story can be a powerful way to heal and help others who may be going through a similar situation. By telling your story, you can raise awareness about domestic violence and inspire others to seek help and support.

We believe in the power of storytelling to create change. That’s why we encourage survivors of domestic violence to share their stories on our platform. Our website provides a safe and supportive space where survivors can tell their stories without fear of judgment or retaliation.

Sharing your story can also have a positive impact on your mental health. It can help you process the trauma you experienced and empower you to take control of your life. Additionally, sharing your story can inspire others to speak out about their experiences, which can lead to a greater understanding of domestic violence and, ultimately, help prevent it from happening to others.

If you’re a survivor of domestic violence, we encourage you to share your story on our platform. By doing so, you can make a difference in the lives of others and take an essential step towards healing and recovery.

Disclaimer: Survivor Story Submission Terms

By submitting my survivor story to Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence (BTSADV), I understand and agree to the following terms:

  1. Privacy and Anonymity:
    • Only first names will be used when publishing survivor stories.
    • BTSADV reserves the right to edit stories for graphic content, as stories posted on platforms other than our website must adhere to age-appropriate language/ content.
  2. Use and Ownership:
    • I grant BTSADV permission to use and publish my story online, irrespective of its previous publication or quotation in news articles, personal social media, blog accounts, third-party curator-run blog sites, and similar platforms.
    • BTSADV holds complete ownership of my story, including full copyright, and may utilize it for any purpose consistent with BTSADV’s mission.

** Note: Only first names will be used to ensure liability to Btsadv!

Share Your Story

Use this form to share your story and break your silence.

  • Share Your Story

    NOTE: Please do not include any personal information in a story such as last names, phone numbers, etc. Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence (BTSADV) reserves the right to edit a story if it contains personal information, or if the story will be published on social media. If BTSADV publishes the story on social media, the story must adhere to social media's censorship policies.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 0 bytes.

  • Would you like to include a short video?

    1. No more than 60 second video
    2. Minimal cursing
    3. No minors
    4. No Watermarks
  • Accepted file types: mp4, mpeg, h263, h264, avc, mov, Max. file size: 0 bytes.
    Videos may be used on our social media channels - they should be one minute or less in duration.
  • Consent

We'd Love Your Feedback!

We’re always trying to improve our website and content. Your input will be really helpful as we review our website.