Breaking the Cycle: A Survivor’s Journey Through Abuse by Rhonda W

I met my first abuser right out of the womb. It was my mother. And then I’m at my first daughter’s father, Lonnie. Who’s a narcissist and would take me out, you know, nowhere and beat the s*** out of me. He would then leave me there, only to come back and say he was sorry. There was another girl pregnant with his child at the same time. He stayed with her because she was having a boy. But his girlfriend and all of her family would jump me on the streets, punching me in the stomach, trying to make me lose my baby. I had my daughter Casey at 32 weeks; she was 4 lbs 3/4 oz. The cord was wrapped around her neck three times, and there were two knots. I had to have a C-section. But she was the healthiest baby in the nursery.

Then I met my knight in shining armor, Kirk. He was so good to me. I had everything I wanted – a family, a life. Everything. And 10 years later, I thought something was missing. So, I left my husband, splitting up my family, to be with another man, another narcissist who abused me for four more years. I found out that I was missing abuse. This man broke three of my ribs with one punch when I told him I was pregnant. He never wanted anything to do with my daughter. I have three daughters – one from the first narcissist, one with my knight in shining armor, and one with the third narcissist. I split up my girls and moved as far away from Pennsylvania with my youngest daughter. I left my older two daughters with my knight in shining armor. Everything was good in Florida for a while. I didn’t really date at first. Then I met Lance. Now, the first one was Lonnie, the second one was Larry, and now this one was Lance – the worst narcissist I’ve ever met. Fifteen years of abuse, and I’ve been homeless ever since I left him. I had everything when I met him, and I have nothing now. He took everything away from me, and then he found a new, younger version of me. I’m not completely out of the abuse because I’m living with a roommate who is a narcissist and abusive too. But I can’t afford to be back on the streets again, and I can’t afford an apartment. But I will figure this out, and I will open up my domestic violence shelter in this county, and I will help other women when I figure it out.

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