
Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Violence: Is It Learned or Taught?

Is it learned or is it taught? My story starts with enduring domestic violence with my children’s father. I was too scared to leave and too dependent on him to risk going and creating a life on my own with three kids. I stayed for the fact that I wanted to give my children something I never had which was a family that consisted of two parents in the household. I soon learned that it doesn’t always have to be that way. After enduring years of abuse I finally decided to step out on faith grab my children and run. I called the police during the last time he assaulted me and tried to kill me. I remember being so scared I couldn’t stop shaking and I could barely breathe but I kept telling myself I’m doing this for my kids…. 4 years later their father is still in jail and today my youngest son and myself are sitting in a Motel 6 due to another cycle of domestic violence situation but this time it’s with my son. Tonight we were both called horrible names and was physically assaulted. He told me that he was going to put me in jail like I did his father and he called the police and told them that I assaulted him. I was arrested and he put a EPO towards me. He laughed about it while this was going on. I had to postpone to get out of jail just so I can get my youngest son we have been staying in a motel until my attorney can help me get this sorted out. If that wasn’t bad enough when I was arrested he stole all of my money. I had nothing at all. Tomorrow morning is check out time and I have no more money to pay for another night we have no food no clothes no hygiene and I don’t know what happens next. So I can’t help but to think and question if this learned or taught? I have no means to transportation and all the shelters are full. My son and I are not looking at possibly living on the streets now due to this situation. By Survivor

break the silence against domestic violence

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