Brittney Lanier Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Brittney Lanier speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


I started dating a man who was everything I ever dreamed of having! He was sweet and charming and we feel in love for each other fast… Or so I thought…. It started off getting mad, cussing, calling me names, then throwing my things and breaking all my stuff, then led to him throwing the things at me! He would apologize and I’d go back! He would get worse everytime and it got bad as to where he would keep my telephone, break my telephones, keep me from my family, pretend to be me messaging my kids and making them think I’m okay n didn’t want them around and then lock me up, kidnap me for days, until the last time back on March 12,2022 after being kidnapped by knife point and kept hostage for four days while he beat me so bad I started my period 2weeks early, and he busted out my teeth and almost took my life, the picture of me is me now…. 7 months later and I am free,he’s in jail looking at some serious time and he still calls me everyday and being the narcissist he is blames me and it was all my fault he done those things and he promises he’s never gonna do it again but now I am free and got saved and I am opening up my eyes and seeing things I have ignored, but that’s my story… Thanks for letting me get that out…. Wow it feels good to let that out,


Brittney Lanier Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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