
Abuse or Homelessness: A Horrifying Decision for Many Victims of Domestic Violence

There came a point where the abuse was getting more and more dangerous. One night, in particular, I escaped and drove to a parking lot up the road. A few of my friends had encouraged me to call a domestic violence shelter. I was very hesitant because I didn’t want my kids to have to experience that if I can be honest, but it came to a point where they experiencing my abuse was far more damaging in my eyes. I took a deep breath and called. To my absolute shock and dismay, they told me that they were full and couldn’t take us.

Debt As Abuse

On March 22nd of this year, most of us were still wrapping our heads around the fact that the pandemic was still hampering our lives more than a year after the first shutdowns took effect in the United States.  Maybe we were looking forward to getting out of the house and enjoying some spring weather, […]

Abuse in the Sports World

Recently, I wrote a blog about some prominent examples of credible abuse in sports in recent months. The main point of the blog was to highlight what was happening with Trever Bauer, who was a pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers. The link to that blog is a part of this post. After fairly brutal […]

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