When Abuse Hides Behind Love
After 18 years in a controlling relationship, she realizes that her marriage is abusive and that she has lost herself. She still struggles to share her story– it doesn’t paint the typical picture of abuse. Her greatest wish is that the fight against domestic violence will be won so that our children will never have to go into battle.
Victims and Survivors Talk About Money: Financial Education Against Domestic Violence
Rebuilding financial security and confidence after domestic abuse can be extremely challenging. More and more online and nationwide in-person programs have started teaching survivors the financial skills necessary to recover from abuse, however. As the adage goes, knowledge is power! Read on to further or begin your financial education journey today.
Investing in Yourself After Leaving an Abusive Relationship
Deciding to leave the situation is the first step in making things right with yourself and for yourself. Now begins your new journey of self-discovery and healing. A good place to start is by learning the ways you can invest in yourself after leaving the abuse behind physically.
The Dark Truth I Learned About Assault as a College Freshman
Many enter college with excitement, oblivious to the dangers that can occur. One writer shares her journey with discovering the truth.
Re-Learning to Love Yourself After Abuse
Loving yourself after abuse means allowing yourself to dance across–to and fro, weaving in and out of–the four Stones of Healing (self-study, self-love, self-compassion, self-awareness)… for the rest of your life.
Advocating for Teens in a Domestic Violence Relationship
TDV, just like domestic violence, is ruthless, and the road to recovery is often long and uphill. This is why it is an issue that should not be minimized and, instead, should be taken as seriously as intimate partner violence in adults. As seen in the survivor story above, it can affect survivors long after leaving the abusive relationship.