Angel Story: My Sister Was Shot by Her Fiancé as Her Daughter Slept in the Next Room

Submitted By: Hailey, sister of Lindsey The presence of firearms in a domestic violence situation dramatically increases risk of fatality. The American Journal of Public Health published research showing that a firearm in possession of the abuser increases risk of death by 500%. Additionally, guns are used by abusers to murder women in over half […]

Angel Story: My Cousin Was Murdered By Her Estranged Husband

Written By: A cousin, in memory of Chloe Domestic violence is not selective to race, gender, or cultural ethnicity. It is not discerning to the rich or poor. Domestic violence became a nightmare turned reality for our family in March in a Kentucky town.   The evening before her death, my 20-year-old cousin was frantically […]

Angel Story: My Abuser Shot Me and A Friend After I Left

Written by: BTSADV Survivor I was with my abuser for eight years. It all started when I was young and did not want to listen to anyone. When I first started dating him, I was 15 years old. It was also at that age that I first experienced the abuse, but I ignored the red […]

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