My Journey Through Two Unforgettable Incidents

Among the many small incidents there’s two big incidents that I’ll never forget. The first major incident was July 2nd, 2018 my ex and I were in an argument(I don’t remember what it was about) but he had a big, glass A&W mug with kool-aid in it & he threw the kool-aid all over me […]

Survivor’s Journey: From Abuse Survivor to Advocate

I want to share my story in hopes that it will help some other victim. I met this man on a dating site. We met and started dating, we dated for about 7 months when he asks me to marry him. I will admit I had fallen in love with him, he was a very […]

“From Abuse to Freedom: My Journey to Healing and Self-Love”

I believed I was in love. I convinced myself that our constant arguments and reconciliations meant we were destined for marriage and a happily ever after. I thought our satisfying physical connection and his attraction to me ensured a lasting relationship. At 21, I endured a year-long relationship with him, believing he was the one because he was only […]

Speaking Truth to Power: My Battle Against Workplace Abuse

I was friends with him for six months, we met at work. He would walk me home at night to make sure I got home safe, we went to the gym together, went on runs together. Then he started treating me like shit because he wanted to become a manager. I told him that I […]

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