Escaping the Abyss: My Journey Out of an Abusive Relationship.

I was 17 and at a party where I saw Billy. Billy was tall, dark, nice eyes and the most gorgeous hair I’ve ever seen. Billy came up to me and said I was beautiful and we introduced ourselves. He was 17 and we talked for a little bit before he asked for my number. […]

Triumph Over Turmoil: My Journey Through Adolescent Adversity.

When I was 15 years old, I found myself in a tumultuous situation that I never could have imagined. It all started when I witnessed domestic abuse between a white couple. The abuser, according to many girls, had bipolar disorder and was controlling towards his girlfriend. He was particularly angry that she was friends with […]

Breaking Free: Escaping Confusion, Doubt, and Uncertainty by Brenda O

Confusion – Doubt – UncertaintyBasically, I am a very questioning person. I want to know how things and people work. Yet, I have spent all of my married life in confusion.  Whenever I questioned anything, my husband took it as an affront to him and his position of head of the family.  I have always wondered […]

Breaking the Silence: Surviving Narcissistic Abuse by Survivor Patti

Unfortunately, since my first and worst narcissistic abusive relationship at 17, it became a pattern, and there are more than one story now. The story that goes with my photo is the actual man who happens to be black-skinned, who used to always smile at me at a bar near where I lived. He verbally […]

Breaking the Cycle: A Survivor’s Journey Through Abuse by Rhonda W

I met my first abuser right out of the womb. It was my mother. And then I’m at my first daughter’s father, Lonnie. Who’s a narcissist and would take me out, you know, nowhere and beat the s*** out of me. He would then leave me there, only to come back and say he was […]

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