My Story-Mandy M

  My story began in September 2015, I was 22 years old. I met & started dating and fell in love with a man who treated me like a princess. I fell fast and hard, and although I had never lived outside of my parents/grandparents homes, within four months of this relationship starting, he had […]

My Story- JJ Intimate Partner Violence- From Protector to Unprotected

On this October evening, we are at the break of Fall, but let me ask you to think back-back to January of 2010… what where you doing? Here in Chicago, it wasn’t the coldest or the worst winter on record, but it was the darkest winter of my entire life.It was a frigid day in […]

Breaking the Chains: My Journey Through Domestic Abuse and Empowerment”

As part of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, I have been encouraged to share my story publicly. You see, I barely survived an abusive marriage that included extreme sexual and physical abuse, as well as financial abuse. When he and I started dating, I thought I had found a great guy. He was a military […]

My Story-Naomi

t’s ironic that just as I start to feel comfortable confronting the ghosts from my past, one of them dies. While he may be physically dead, he is still very much alive in my head. He was my step-dad. I was supposed to be able to trust him. My dad wasn’t in the picture except […]

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