“Deep Pain Within You” a DV Survivor Story.

“You’ve got to resurrect the deep pain within you and give it a place to live that’s not within your body. Let it live in art. Let it live in writing. Let it live in music. Let it be devoured by building brighter connections. Your body is not a coffin for pain to be buried […]

My Story – Melissa

It all started with a fairly innocent search for a movie buddy. I had moved out to a new area and didn’t have many friends out there and since I lived across the street from the movie theatre, I figured that would be the perfect place and it was a public place so that made […]

My Story – Stacey

I have been a victim to emotional abuse. My neighbour has been relentless it started as friends. I thought Stuart was my friend. He would want to spend all his time with me. It got to a point where I couldn’t take him coming round any more. He would want to spend every second of […]

My Story – Amanda

It’s not my story but she’s no longer with us and her story should be told. October 17, 2022 my cousin Krystle LeeAnn Wilder was shot and killed by her boyfriend in front of their 3 year old daughter. He fled the scene with her body and their child and later shot and killed another […]

My Story – Demi

I was in an 8 year relationship with someone who I thought loved and cared for me. Only now realising after being physically assaulted that I was being emotionally abused. There had been many occasions where he treated me so poorly. But I just stayed because it was ‘easier’ and thought that’s what I deserved. […]

Attacked in the Laundry Room

On Friday, my husband attacked me and locked me in our laundry room with him. . There was no argument or anything until a song that came on the radio apparently triggered something and he flipped a switch quickly and started accusing me and asking me bizarre questions. He continuously slammed me back against a […]

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