Cortney Edwards Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Cortney Edwards speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


Life After Being Lost:
I never thought the day would come where I decided to leave, to stop giving someone else control over my life. I thought for sure that I would end up dead before I ever found the courage to walk away from the evil I was dealing with. The mental, emotional, financial and severely physical abuse would take me from this world before I ever got the chance to reclaim my freedom. I made it out though, and it has been over a year since making the decision to never go back. The 22nd of this month will be a year since I made the decision to testify against my abuser and seek justice for myself and my children. I remember what it felt like to tell myself “I’m going to be able to make decisions for myself again, and not be told what to do.” I remember thinking “Oh my gosh I’m going to be able to see my family and friends again whenever I want because nobody will be telling me otherwise.” I remember thinking to myself “This is it, I’m going to find myself again after being lost for so long.” What I don’t remember thinking about was how hard even the smallest things were going to be for me to do. I didn’t give much thought to the fact that because my abuser made all of my decisions for me for over 2 years, I was no longer familiar with who I was anymore. I was LOST. My family and friends would say we are here for you, and you’re not a different person you just have to get back to where you were before he destroyed you. But you see that’s the thing about life after Trauma…you are different. I was different and I still am because I was made to think and see life in a way I never would have if not for the abuse. I have slowly started living after being lost for what seems like an eternity, but not without change. I think more, more than any rational person would. I cry more, sometimes happy tears but a lot of the time because I miss parts of who I was before all the abuse. The biggest thing of all is I question life more than I ever thought imaginable and after being lost for so long, I’m at a point where I just want to live and feel the freedom I yearned for when I left my abuser. There is life after being lost, and sometimes it just takes time to get your life back.


Cortney Edwards Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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