
Deborah H

Survivor Sister Rachel H breaks her silence about domestic violence

I have thought many times to share my stories in hopes that it could help others.
Domestic Violence is a real thing and should not be.
I’ve been beaten with wire hangers, thrown, had a gun to my head , verbal abuse and more.
I’ve probably seen and heard more than I care to mention.
My abuse began before I was even 5 years old. My mentally ill bio-Mom tried to sell me to a childless couple (I wonder how that life would have been?). My father found out when I was an adult and after Mom had committed suicide. At 5 yy when Mom and Dad were fighting for custody of us 3 children Mom decides to turn on the gas stove with all of us in the room. I’ll never forget that ride in the police car to the hospital.
Fast forward to my adulthood. 3 abusive relationships full of abuse.
I married young (18) and had my first daughter 9 and a half months later.
It seemed that I was targeted from narcissistic men. I had looked for love and misery found me until I finally set myself free.
After decades of prayers the Lord gave me peace, a wonderful man and a whole new life.

Hear from other survivors

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