
Domestic Violence in the Black / African American Community

Domestic violence affects everyone regardless of race, class, economic status, gender, or sexuality. However, it is essential to look at domestic violence statistics and recognize where there may be a lack of resources or underreporting.


Black women and Black men experience domestic violence at a statistically higher rate than any other community, with 45% of Black women and 40% of Black men having been in an abusive relationship. These numbers show that the Black community is disproportionally affected by domestic violence.


We must look intently at the barriers leading to domestic violence in the Black and African American communities to see the systemic issues holding these communities back. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) wrote: “By intentionally denying Black people access to economic opportunities, the ability to build intergenerational wealth, healthcare, education, and a sense of safety from governmental systems, racist policies increase the prevalence of risk factors for domestic violence.”

With such distrust in law enforcement due to the ongoing history of discrimination and abuse – victims of DV in Black and African American communities may be less likely to reach out to report incidents. As there is a greater risk in reaching out for help, more attention must be paid to creating different approaches.

Seeking Resources

Creating resources for Black and African American communities to deal with domestic violence cannot be done the same way other communities do. The intersectionality of cultural, social, and economic aspects all play a role in creating safe spaces for victims and survivors that can be genuinely deemed ‘safe spaces.’ More open discussion about these topics can allow communities to battle stigmas and oppression.

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