
Escaping Domestic Abuse: A Mother’s Story of Survival and PTSD

I’m 29 years old my story starts off as meeting this guy online us dating he asked me to move in after 3 months of dating. I move in with him and that’s when the abuse starts he never let me shower or use the bathroom with the door closed I could never walk outside alone I couldn’t speak to my family or friends he’d force me to have sex with him & if I didn’t I’d be punished mind you this was going on for 5 year he’d call me the N word tell me I’m a bitch blame his outburst an rage on me he’s punched holes in the door broke the kitchen cabinet even dragged me down the road while i was hanging on to the car door he’d do unthinkable things to me all while I was pregnant with his child an even after I tried to get out but he wouldn’t let me leave he’d threaten to kill Me an our daughter so not only was I trapped but my daughter who was 5 was trapped as well she’s been through abuse along with me the whole time we lived together and he won’t even seek therapy for everything she seen as a child it broke me to my core what I been through I’m still suffering from ptsd nightmares and panic attacks and paranoia. By Survivor Jasmine

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