Every day, lies

I dated a boy for 6 months. Every day for 6 months he lied to me. He never wanted to be with me. He was using me. I didn’t realize this until after we broke up and my friends spelt it out for me. The first month he loved bombed me. He showered me in gifts and affection. He introduced me to his whole family. He bragged about me to his entire circle. Then after that month and a half, he grew cold. He stopped giving me affection. I felt like I constantly had to over perform to make him happy. I showered him in gifts, tried to help him through family struggles, and did anything for him. Because I thought he loved me and was just depressed. But i was wrong. He was never depressed. It was an act to get me to do anything and everything. I was so burnt out by month 5. He manipulated me into doing so much for him, I didn’t have the time to care for myself. I felt like i was I on eggshells with him. He secluded me away from my family and friends. I finally ended it at month 6. He back pedaled so hard when I called him out for his abuse. He tried to contact me and apologize but I blocked him on everything. He emotionally abused me and manipulated me and he can never undo that. He will never be forgiven because what he did will never be okay. Because of the 6 months of torture he put me through, I have grown so much stronger. If I lived through that, I think i can do anything. I want to speak out and speak up for other people going through this. Survivors like us deserve justice and accountability. We deserve to be seen. And the abusers deserve the consequences. This boys name is Stefan. I’m not afraid anymore. And I will pray he never gets the opportunity to manipulate or use another woman again.

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