
“From Darkness to Healing: My Journey Through Trauma and Recovery”

Well there’s so much to tell , where do I begin.. my ex of 7 yrs the last couple years he started lying, stealing , tried to make me out to be wrong and feel worthless when I caught him He caused me to go to jail and I lost my nursing license. He made me quit other jobs. He had a gang of friends follow me, torment me day and night. This caused me to try suicide 7 times I thought that was my only way out, but everytime paramedics brought me back, this made me furious… I eventually got help and the courage to leave him for good so I did. Then I got news that he had killed himself bcuz I wouldn’t take him back I now have ptsd and been in Intense therapy for 4 years now. This still haunts me daily.

break the silence against domestic violence

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