Grace Marshall Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Grace Marshall speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


I’m sharing my story in the hope to raise awareness.
I knew my ex partner from when I was at school we was together for a few weeks back then, we stopped talking and went our separate ways. In 2016 he got back in touch with me over Facebook & we decided to start our relationship back up again. Only this time it was different, within the first 6 months of being together he would always accuse me of sleeping with other people or meeting people behind his back, he would constantly text me or ring me asking me where I am or who I was with & if I was ever back later than I said I was always accused of going elsewhere. I thought nothing of it at the time I actually thought he cared about me. 5 months later we moved out into our own place with both of us on the tenancy (this was the biggest mistake I ever made). The first night of us moving in together he went out with his mates drinking leaving me home alone with my daughter. It gets to 3am and he comes through the door drunk he comes straight into the bedroom where I am sleeping and wakes me up telling me to tell him how many people I have slept with & why did I not answer the phone to him I told him I was sleeping but no that was the first punch to my face. I was in complete shock and he hugged me straight away telling me how sorry he was and it was the drink. I believed him. Eventually the punches came round every few days and I only ever felt safe when I was with my daughter but the one day he came storming in drunk again and he argued with me until the early hours of the morning I missed his phone call so he assumed I was with someone else, I had also had a shower that night and he thought I was washing away someone else’s smell off me so that led to him punching me straight in the face and dragging me around the flat by my hair. I was covered in bruises but I had to wear make up to hide them for work. He had rang social services on me plenty of times stating he would like me and my daughter out of his house. Christmas Eve came and we all settled down for a night in front of the telly.. but he had other ideas he went out and drank yet again with his pals only this time when he came back was the most scariest time of my life: he held a taser to my heart and told me to tell him how many people I had slept with and if i didn’t tell him or he thought I was lying he would press the button. I was punched, kicked, threw around the room, i was told to strip all my clothes off and told to sleep in the corner of the room, I was weed on and he also cut my hair. This night my daughter walked in the room and he told her ‘Santa isn’t coming this year go back to bed’ my whole life was ruined by this person, I was left homeless as I was removed from my house by police. Sadly this is only part of my story. I was with him for 2 years of my life and those 2 years I was beaten and abused even in front of my daughter. I wish I left sooner but I couldn’t, he would hide the keys so I wasn’t allowed out the flat. I am now 2 years later free of this disgusting human being and I may of lost everything but I’m still here, he didn’t win in the end. I did!


Grace Marshall Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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