

I got married to my ex husband and he would mentally and physically abuse me constantly for about a year and he finally snapped one day and he tried to kill me and he told me he didn’t love me anymore and he wanted out of the married and I asked why not just get a divorce and I leave and he said it wasn’t that easy…. Cause he had other ideas.. he ended up strangling me and cutting my wrist with glass hitting me in the face with a tool box and strangling me again and my 1 year old daughter woke me up and said mommy mommy are you okay? And I picked her up and ran as fast I could with her put her in the car and went down the road a little so I could call the cops if it wasn’t for my 1 year old daughter that day I wouldn’t be here anymore… I had 2 black eyes my face was bruised on one whole side of my face for months and months it took to heal and my wrist had to be glued shut and I still to this day have a bone bruise on my cheek bone from him hitting me with a tool box… I really hope this will help inspire people to get help and be more aware of things like this no one deserves this…

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