Board Members have an array of responsibilities to ensure our nonprofit is continually growing and meeting the needs of our audience. We expect members to go above and beyond their call of duty during their tenure with us.
Ensure that the nonprofit's activities and transactions are, first and foremost, advancing its mission.  Recognize and disclose conflicts of interest; Make decisions that are in the best interest of the nonprofit corporation; not in the best interest of the individual board member (or any other individual or for-profit entity).
Ensure that the nonprofit obeys applicable laws and regulations; follows its own bylaws; and that the nonprofit adheres to its stated corporate purposes/mission.
Board members are the fiduciaries who steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure the nonprofit has adequate resources to advance its mission.  Board members provide foresight, oversight, and insight: think of them as up in the crow's nest scanning the horizon for signs of storms or rainbows to explore, perhaps with a pot of gold at the end!
Take care of the nonprofit by ensuring prudent use of all assets, including facility, people, and good will.
Our Working Board meets monthly via video conferencing. Due to the growth of BTSADV, we welcome potential board members in all areas of the USA / Canada. We value the time and commitment of our Board and require members to attend all Board and All team meetings. If a Board Member misses 3 or more meetings ( understanding 30 min or more late is a miss) in a calendar year, members will be asked to leave the board. This policy ensures all members can commit to carrying out the mission and work of the organization.
Each officer shall serve a two-year term of office which they can serve consecutively with the exception of the President whom may not serve more than three (3) consecutive terms of office. Unless unanimously elected by the board at the end of his/her three (3) terms or to fill a vacancy in an officer position, each board officer’s term of office shall begin upon the adjournment of the board meeting at which elected and shall end upon the adjournment of the board meeting during which a successor is elected.
Our Working Board is comprised of passionate community leaders and business owners with diverse backgrounds. As a growing nonprofit, we are eager to continually enhance and grow our top notch team. We are looking for members to expand the makeup of our Board to ensure we represent a wide range of professionals in various industries.
By applying to the BTSADV Board you are offering to take on an important volunteer role with significant responsibilities and commitments. We require all potential and all functioning Board Members to uphold a volunteer position throughout the duration of their service to the organization. After you complete the online application, the Board Recruitment Committee will review your application
— Does this person offer the organizational, corporate/fiscal, commitments needed to participate in BTSADV Board work and to support BTSADV’s mission?
— Does this person fill the requirements of current/future organizational needs, geographic representation, representation of battered/formerly battered women, and skill areas that the committee is charged with meeting?
— Would this person’s presence on the Board strengthen the ability of the Board and Staff of BTSADV to carry out their responsibilities to the organization?
— How does this potential member address conflict?
Does this potential member effectively communicate when concerns arise?
— Does this person have other commitments that they foresee arising in the next 2-3 calendar years that would conflict with their commitment to effectively serve on the Board? Can the member commit to effectively serving with the Board for a minimum of 2-years?
The Recruitment committee reviews applications often throughout the year.
Applicants whose written materials suggest they have met the criteria above will be invited to participate in a telephone interview with at least 2 members of the board.
BTSADV Board of Directors selection committee receives applications from dedicated and qualified individuals with a strong commitment to domestic violence survivor movement. If you are not asked to serve on the Board, you may be offered an opportunity to serve on one of our Volunteer Committees.
We’re always trying to improve our website and content. Your input will be really helpful as we review our website.