Judi Atwood Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Judi Atwood speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


I think every women has a unique story regarding Domestic Violence yet we seem to met the same opposition from getting adequate resources from our own government. My abuser was all about control. Financial, emotional and institutional – like so many other abusers he used the Family Court System to abuse myself and our children.

7 years in Family Court at a cost of over 1/2 million (I think) that I borrowed from family and friends to try and get custody back. I lost custody for reporting sexual abuse of our daughter.

I starting writing to warn other victims of our broken system. Above is a pic from our daughters birthday last year. The court has summons 100% of my earned income to pay to see my own children. I really want to embarrass and shame the Family Court System for the egregious decisions that have not only failed our children but harmed them. My abuse is about how an abuser uses institutional abuse to keep abusing.







Judi Atwood: ‘Snapping’ causes are being overlooked


Judi Atwood Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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