Kari Swalley Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Kari Swalley speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


Hi my name is Carrie swalley I’m 24 years old and I live in Los Angeles California South Dakota 6 need to go I moved out here. I got myself in water I didn’t understand i accepted prior to moving out here alone with the man who is now the father of my child. I was dumb, he put hands on me prior to the move and that should’ve been enough, yet i thought i could hell him not change him, but genuinely help him work through his anger, only to learn the hardest lesson of life, if I don’t seperate myself from this man he’s going to kill me. Jan 28, 2020 my journey to happiness was pushed into full effect immediately after my first time taking a stand putting my foot down to it. I called the police, let the cops arrest him take him to jail, as my daughter and myself cried together again because the pain her father caused. Its been 6 years of me trying to be strong, & emotionally detatching myself from my kid, myselff, to free me &to be completely non complacent to lead him on that i was leaving. 2019 i began working @ kfc his best friend was my manager, i wss being completely controlled, at home at work. At least work i got paid and not hit. January 2020 i decided i would not have it another second minute hour days years no more time shall i be hit senselessly. I kari knows if i want to be happy & not only that to make myself happy in order to make my daughter happy i had to make myself happy. I knew that another minute in my garage studio that I would litterally go insane. Mentally I got the sense that if i lived anywhere else I could stay alive, I my brain told my body it could no longer take any more abuse from this man. My picture I’m sharing here is my final result of manipulation, disloyalty, disrespect, disregard to humanity, & to women no matter what. I believe he was out to kill me. If not convince me to be with him forever & faulty love. I ran for the hills. My story isn’t over i still battle everyday to find a better way, to change my life & break and end a cycle of.domestic violence that’s passed not one , not two, but three generations of domestic violence. I have to end it. It is now oct 2020. & All this time I’ve had my daughter hes gotten slick smarter and that much more picking at my brain to manipulate my truth my reality, my life will forever be compromised in a way i cannot begin to imagine… Hes extorting my social media accounts, my bank accounts. He hasn’t stolen money from me because he smart. But he basically has me living in fear. Don’t go outside, don’t call anyone, because he does. My people I stay connected with have accepted that im hiding from him forever hes predator &im forever prey.. he currently filed for custody from my daughter in. Another county, he have her now with his mom, he’s done the most from stealing her information, to all my legal papers hes destroyed along with trying to tear me down, luckily i meet solid people and enough people know me to not feed into it. He’s very much tried to convince my family that I’ve abandoned my daughter to party, & I’m afraid to fight or go against him alone. He’s supplied my drug habit for the last 6 years he in his mind believes im with him fo that reason so when i leave he sends me pictures of drugs to pull me in. & I’ve completely went off the wall trying to scream my way out! Im hurt im too young to be hurt, i want to be happy. Im doing the most to be happy. His evil mind has made me into a monster and i cant say what’ll happen next, i wish and pray the best outcome, &i hope to encourage any woman to leave the first time, learn the signs and redflags go up you gotta get out, don’t look back, don’t feel bad. If a man cant respect you as a human being he got life messed up. Don’t be the reason hes unhappy & snaps @you. Hes very convincing to a inner sad me.


Kari Swalley Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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