Kath Twigg Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Kath Twigg speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


I have written a memoir of my experiences: ‘The Hall of Mirrors, How to change Life Patterns and Avoid Toxic Relationships’
by Kath Twigg

I am a professional woman who worked in the criminal justice field, dealing with extreme offending in a multi agency setting by day and living with an abusive relationship I couldn’t escape from after work. My story graphically illustrates traumatic bonding and demonstrates that, no matter how difficult, it is possible to escape. I am now a social work lecturer and in a happy relationship at last, but my experiences almost cost me my life. My book is recommended to undergraduates on the social work course at my university and I receive many positive responses and reviews.

Please see my Amazon reviews and my website: kathtwigg.co.uk

Here is the latest review I received by e mail a couple of weeks ago:

‘I have just finished reading your book, Hall of mirrors, and I was mesmerised by it.
It was like reading about my life
I have recently separated from my husband of 40 years and I am still struggling to believe that he abused me for so long, I am now on my own with my mother living with me who has Alzheimer’s, like you he agreed to leave in the end and he is now in a new relationship, I have no friends as friends were not allowed, I have my three grown up daughters who have been very supportive whilst having a good relationship with their dad, all three of them are pleased that I have finally split with him for good.
I feel so alone and still in a state of confusion, due to the COVID situation I have been sheilding since I split with my husband as I am very high risk, which also has not helped my situation.
Your book made me realise that I am not alone, I have yet to do the exercises, I just want to say thank you for putting to paper the reality of women in our situation.’

Please pass on this message to anyone who may benefit from it, I wrote the book for them. Please tell them to remember the person the self they lost along the way, treat themselves as a precious child and know what they deserve.

Much love,

Kath Twigg


Kath Twigg Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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