Leanna Reel Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Leanna Reel speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


I was 17 years old when I met what I thought to be the love of my life. He was an addict and was just an all around angry person. Somehow I always see the good in people. I ended up having a baby boy with this man. It took me 5 years and a baby to realize this man was the worst person I have ever met. He got mad at me and a can fell out of the cupboard hitting my son in the head at 10 months old. I never wanted to be with him after that. He could have killed my son because he couldn’t control his anger problems. He had no remorse. Two weeks later he smashed out my aunts car windows and we got pulled over. I had bruises on my wrist from him grabbing and shaking me telling me I wasn’t taking his son. The cops took him from the car and told me that people like that kill people like me. Honestly that police man saved my life. I took my son and we moved across states to a safe home. I came back home 9 months later and seen him walking around, knew he was dying, you could just tell. I had this “voice” or more of a feeling telling me i needed to ask him if he would like to meet in public to start seeing his son. I let him know he couldn’t be high when he saw our son and he looked at me and said “no. All i want to do is get high.” Honestly i feel as if this was God’s way of giving me closure. He passed the next day. That was 2015. I became a domestic violence advocate to help others like me. I am now in college, still a single mom, but I am working as best I can to help other survivors. I know i want to do this forever. No one deserves the treatments that these people give. My son is my little lifesaver, he is the reason I am alive today. I needed to keep him safe.


Leanna Reel Survivor Sister Story

break the silence against domestic violence

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