Lindsey Angel Story

On December 8, 2016 my sister Lindsey was shot and killed by her then fiancĂ© Aaron Toller. He shot her in the head and took his time disposing of both guns he had brought with him that night. He took the time to stage the scene, he took the time to change his clothes, he took the time to make sure my sister was dead, he took the time to go to the next room over and check to make sure the 8 year old little asleep in the room was still sleeping. He took the time to plan her murder for weeks with the girl he was having an affair with. They plotted together to take my sisters life away….For what I will never know and can never ever understand. Once he cleaned up he made a frantic phone call to 911 stating his girlfriend had shot herself. Police and EMTs arrived within minutes all while her daughter still lies asleep in the next room. Police arrive on scene and realize there was a struggle in the bedroom where my sister laid dead, they noticed there was no gun and they noticed how strangely Aaron was acting. Once my sister was pronounced dead and the scene had been cleared, they aloud this monster to go back into the house and pick up her daughter and carry her out to my mom because they didn’t want him to be alarmed that he was a suspect and run. My niece is forever broken, her heart and love will never be the same without her mom. Lindsey is missed dearly every single day. Her love is irreplaceable and she filled everyone’s heart with so much joy and happiness. She made an impact on people’s lives that we will carry with us in our hearts for the remainder of our years. His heartless actions to pull the trigger that night and take a beautiful soul will haunt me for the rest of my life, but he has to live everyday behind bars with what he’s done. Lindsey will never be forgotten and everyone that loves her will continue to keep her spirit and story alive!

break the silence against domestic violence

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