Loretta Daniel Survivor Sister Story

Survivor Sister Loretta Daniel speaks out breaking her silence about domestic violence.


My story started two years ago I left him but in continuously he has strived to make my life a living hell he hurt our two-year-old when he was only a couple months old he put him on medication that he was not supposed to be on and I got him off of it when I took him to the courthouse and try to get things different the judge told me corporal punishment is okay and that he can continue to hurt our children the judge also told me that it she hope that DCFS take our kids from us this man has tried to ruin my family several times he has harassed me with DCFS he has harassed me at my job he has harassed me with fellow employees and Friends it is very difficult to try to talk with him about anything with our children when I pick up my kids I’m quiet when I leave with my kids I am quiet the cops are always there and they ask me numerous questions he feels that he has to always be loud and talk and talk and talk and tell people lies about me what can I do how can I stop being in this situation where is the Justice for this it’s very small the success that I had to overcome but this isn’t even success this is horrible I was never married to him why should he have any communication or custody with these kids and he is a horrible man and I wish I never met him.

Notice: The names in this story are fictitious to protect the request for anonymity.

break the silence against domestic violence

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