March Volunteer of the Month: Organizer and Go-Getter

By Jamey Sheesley

Stephanie Soliz is Volunteer of the Month for a second time, and there is a big reason for that. She is fantastic at her work and does what she is needed to do. In October, the last time she was Volunteer of the Month, she was busy transcribing videos, but since there is not much of a need for that anymore, she has been supporting Heidi as an assistant. Heidi is the community outreach coordinator, and Stephanie has been helping her with all the paperwork, not just current paperwork, but backlogs of paperwork. Stephanie loves to organize, and this has been such a help for Heidi. Stephanie also helps with the outreach committee, and she teaches other volunteers how to reach out and help with their committees. She has been instrumental in implementing procedures for Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence. 

“I don’t like calling her an assistant because it makes her sound like she doesn’t do anything. I come up with ridiculous ideas and throw them all out at Stephanie and we spend hours going over it coming up with how to do things. You have to click with someone, and I definitely click with her,” said Heidi. 

Heidi and Stephanie have become close over the past few months of working with each other. She is very thankful for Stephanie and feels honored not only to have her as an assistant but to have her as a friend as well. Stephanie’s work has helped the workload go from several weeks into one week. She is motivated and ready for anything. 

Recently Stephanie was feeling under the weather, but she did not let that stop her from helping. She helped Heidi with the volunteer work, and she spent her time making masks to help with those in need due to the COVID-19. Most people cannot even muster up the energy to do much when they are ill, and Stephanie stepped up her game even more, which shows her character. She also has the skill of calming others when they are sick and when there is a lot of fear in the world right now.

“She is hyper-smart. It’s absolutely ridiculous how smart she is and how nice she is, why are there not more people like her?” said Heidi.

Stephanie has been with BTSADV for almost two years, and she loves that she gets to give her all to whatever position she is doing for the organization. 

“I jump to wherever I’m needed, and I just love volunteering with this organization, and I just love being a part of something,” said Stephanie. 

Congratulations, Stephanie, on being named the March 2020 Volunteer of the Month.

If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, there is help. You can visit the Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence website at or chat with one of our helpline advocates at 855-287-1777.


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