
My Journey to Healing: From Domestic Violence Survivor to Advocate through Faith

Blessings! I’m 26 y/o, happily married, a mother of 2 and I am a domestic violence survivor. I now advocate for domestic violence victims and mentor women, youth and children through the love, hope, & teachings I found in Jesus Christ. It all started with Him putting in the heart of someone to notice something was not going right in my life when I was going through those tribulations of abuse. Thankfully that person allowed themselves to be led to take notice and reached out, I was able to have the courage to speak up and leave. Ever since I took that step of faith, God blessed me with healing, freedom, and salvation of my soul through Jesus. I was also blessed with a new family, marriage, child, home, and so much more!!! I take great pleasure in helping those in need of healing, encouragement, hope, guidance, and whatever necessities the soul needs to receive by the power of The Holy Spirit of God. I have so much more to say but this is just a summary of my story for now. Thank you for hearing me out and hope to hear back from you guys!

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