
My Story – Alissa

We were together for 8.5 and have three children. We met in 2010 when I was 19 and it was all down hill from there. Constant fighting, lying, him not wanting to work, drinking, drug abuse…you name it. He abused me mentally, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. He told me I wad worthless, that I had nobody, that nobody would ever love me. My family was 1200 miles away at the time. In April 2019 I made my escape. The days prior to me leaving were filled with fighting and physical abuse, throwing me across the room, hitting me in the back of the head while changing our infant daughter’s diaper because I said I had a headache, to almost breaking my jaw. The night before I left as I was putting our youngest to sleep, he held me up against a wall and choked me while saying he couldn’t control himself around me any longer. I knew this was it, I had to get out or he was going to end up killing me. The next morning I reluctantly made a Facebook post and outed him and all of the abuse while I was on my way to work. Hundreds of friends saw the post and called in a welfare check to my job. The police showed up and took pictures of all the bruising and marks I had along with my statement. He was arrested, but only on a 6 hour hold. I knew I had to make a run for it. While our oldest children were in school a friend came over and helped me pack a few changes of clothes for myself and my children, important documents, and a couple of toys into a box. My best friend let us stay at her house for several days until my mom could fly from out of state to come get us. Once she was here, we packed all 3 of my kids, my dog, myself, and my mom into my small sedan with only one box to our names and headed 1200 miles away to freedom.

He is in prison now for other charges, but has since been arrested for domestic violence against other females. My children and I now have a happy, safe home and I am with the love of my life who treats us amazingly.

Speak up. Break your silence. You have an army behind you who is willing to fight and help you even though you may not know it. Take any chance you get to leave, even if you don’t know what the next step is, run, and get out. Life is so much better on the other side.

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