My Story – Ashly

I met this guy we will call him frank. I met him back in 2014. We dated for a couple months then I was 14 he was 17 turning 18. I lied to him about my age and told him I was 17 as well. He always seemed like he had better things to do then talk to me or text me. Never wanted to show affection but was quick to “hangout” meaning any opportunity he got to have sex with me. I ended up telling him my real age and he left me. He told me he’d “wait for me” but what 14 year old is gonna believe that. After that I’d talked to a couple guys here and there that happen to end up being his “friends” . I didn’t know they where his friends obviously. I was a troubled teen, suffered from depression anxiety ext. 2015 came around and I end up meeting the man who eventually rapes me. He was my fathers “friend” of many years . I’ve never met him until one day at church my dad introduced me to him. He had his “wife” there and there daughter. He is flirting with me constantly after that. Me and my family where moving from one city to another. My father asked Ricky aka my rapist to help us move. While we are moving stuff he flirts with me tells me he doesn’t have a wife that that’s just his baby momma. He asks me my age but obviously he knows cause he knows my dad. He told me he was 24. He says he’s heard I’m into older men…. I was a teen any type of attention made me feel beautiful I suffered with confidence problems for years. We end up having sex in the Uhaul we are using to move stuff. The situation escalated from there I started heavily drinking smoking weed. He would provide alcohol for me. Eventually I found out he was sleeping with and had a relationship with multiple women including his baby mom. I told him I no longer wanted to have sex. I would still take alcohol and drugs from him. I would pass out drunk in my room and he would come in through my bedroom jack and Jill restroom and rape me while I was drunk passed out. I would wake up completely naked and with his fluids coming out of me that happen more then 50 times. He had kicked me out of a moving car ext. I ended up getting pregnant with his child at 16yrs old. He went to jail and that was that. I was 2 months pregnant when frank came back into my life. I informed him i was pregnant and wanted to be honest with him this time. He told me he didn’t care and he’d raise that baby as his own and that he loves me. It was sweet and honeymoon fazed for about 3 months then he started verbally abusing me while I was pregnant. He’d tell me I’m ugly , flat, ext. I was living in horrible conditions at my fathers and grandparents. There was bed bugs I had lice very badly. I gave birth to my daughter in august of 2017. 2 months after she was born I ran away. And moved into a apartment I helped frank get with his father and his family. I would give frank $3-400 a month from my Native American inheritance. Because he was homeless living in his car before they got that apartment. I moved into there apartment and once I did that the physical abuse started. Frank would beat me in front of my daughter would call my daughter racial slurs. He’s beat me with her in my arms ext. I have high suspicion of cheating on his part. Fast forward to 2020 I’m still in this abusive relationship at this time he’s beat me countless times. He’s almost killed me 3 times by strangulation. I’ve had popped eye blood vessels from him strangling me. He’s knocked me out on multiple occasions. He’s knocked me out then I had a seizure afterwards. He’s “accidentally” hit my daughter in the face when he was trying to hit me. I’ve had to protect her with my body on multiple occasions. In 2021 I found out he had been doing cocaine since we got back together in 2017 he spend thousands behind my back took from my babies mouth and financially. I’ve bailed him out of jail 5 times total. Spent all my inheritance on him since I got with him in 2017 he controlled the money everything. He also has been caught with porn and dating sites on his phone. Ext the excuse is he thought I was on them lol he’s cracked my car windshield. Slammed my fingers in doors ext. that relationship last 7 years. This picture was minor from the very last time he hit me 2023. It’s been significantly worse

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