I married a man whom I was engaged to when I was 19 years old. It had been 30 years since we broke up. He found me on Google Plus and emailed me. My Father was dying and I was vulnerable. I accepted his request to get reacquainted. Long story short. (I’m a Jersey girl) We were talking through Skype July 2014. My Father passed away in August 2014. I was driving to Jersey to attend the funeral. I told “him”, My dad passed away and I’m heading to Jersey. He lived in Pennsylvania. I met up with my family and the arrangements were already done. After we viewed my dad, he showed up, but stayed outside watching me. I didn’t know he was there. Then we met up after my dad was buried. We did some catching up. Then I left back to Florida where I lived. We got married in September 2014. Two months later he began the emotional, financial, mental, sexual, and verbal abuse. I was not happy. I was ready to walk away. I turned 50 in February 2015. Twelve days later I came home to a man under the influence of alcohol and drugs. When he woke up, he began yelling, acussing me of cheating on him. I said bro, I’m sick of you and I want a divorce. I’m not putting up with your foolishness anymore like it says in the Word of God. I walked away, he grabbed me and said you’re not leaving me. He was so drunk and high that his eyes looked like they were bleeding. He grabbed me by my arms, raised me over his head and slammed me on the floor. My head hit the tile floor, so did my elbows and back. My body went into shock like after you give natural birth. He sat on my stomach and started choking me. He said what are you’re last words? I said, kill me now so I can go to Heaven with Jesus, my Mom, and Dad. He yelled No!!! All of a sudden he flew off of me and landed on the floor knocked out. I cried out saying, God I repent, forgive me for marrying the wrong man. I was able to get up and run, never looked back. I believe an Angel was protecting me. I had fractures in my body. I was in the hospital in a separate wing with a cop guarding my door. Turns out he had a warrant for his arrest in Puerto Rico. I got divorced in April 2015. I was sent to Hawaii as I was a part of the relocation program. I lived with my cousin as I healed from my injuries and from the trauma. I found a great church and was involved with volunteering. I saw a therapist twice a week for four months. I spoke at a Domestic Violence Rally that October at Waikiki Beach and shared my story. I almost died on February 21, 2015. He’s still out there somewhere. I forgave him in my heart and I was set free from the trauma. I’m a Survivor and an Advocate for the victims that didn’t have a voice. God bless you and Jesus is the only one who heals and sets you free. Amen