I was married for 23 years to a abusive alcoholic narcissist! His abuse started slow! First he was way over attentive! But I had known him for years. So there was a familiar comfort I thought. I did not realize how much he drank he had his place I had mine. I was kicked in the but when I was pregnant with our second child because I was going to slow to the car. I have been held against my will in arguments. I have been pressured for sex or he would bully me for weeks and say inappropriate things in front of our kids! He would bully our kids call them names like idiot or say comments like that was smart duh! I had pressure from the Catholic Church to stay from his Mom begging me to stay because he was a good guy ! He is a knight of Columbus in the church in Greeley CO. Again everyone thinks he is a nice guy! He was having seizures and I would beg him to go to the doc he would cancel the appointments. His family did 2 interventions on him. He has been to jail 2 times for drinking and driving. I finally left in 2020 when he was so drunk and fell on the floor. It devastated my teenage daughter.I called 911 he refused to go to the hospital in a ambulance he was calling me and my daughter Bitches.so I drove him getting called Bitch in the car. He was so belligerent in the ER they kept a guard with him. His blood alcohol level was 438 , 400 is lethal in most people. Andy harassed me over phone, text, he would throw out my clothes on the front doorstep then text me or my kids to come get my crap at 9:30 at night. I finally got a restraining order which he violated and went to jail for. He would write nasty comments in the memo line of my maintenance checks, he went to jail for a night over it.It was winter when he put my items outside they could be damaged. He did not cooperate with the divorce process, we had to subpoena all records for our business. He refused to give us his actual business books. He moved in the Flute player from the same church 3 months after I left . That is adultery and fornication in the Catholic Church! Now after 2 1/2 years of fighting in court we finally get a judgement and he is now appealing it! He has done Nothing the judge ordered. He is not paying maintenance and his company makes a lot of money. I care for seniors in their homes. He is living in our paid off home which I got in the divorce. He is supposed to move out on the 27 th of June but I know it will be a fight.He paid all his legal fees through our company checking account. He uses it like his own piggy bank.I am paying rent from the money I get from working which is 3 times less than what he claims he makes. He is continuing to abuse me financially by not paying me and by appealing the verdict. He has more than enough money to pay a appeal lawyer. I do not.

A Two-Time Survivor and Her Journey
By Survivor Barbie I would love to tell you my story. I am a two-time survivor of domestic violence and abuse. *The following story is written by a survivor of domestic violence and abuse. Names have been changed to protect all involved.* The First Attack I was married to my...