My Story – Catherine

**TW **Warning: May trigger Extreme abuse victims, those in a present abusive relationship, or those who suffer with PTSD or trauma formed from these encounters

Also: Calling out a narc on their unhindered everyday persona that gets old after a while when the rose colored glasses naturally fall right off::

After 7+ years of extreme physical violence & of all other kinds constantly every few days..
Dealing with treating a person less than human, so naturally today after all those tortmentive years…
i am naturally more grumpy, but..still happy-go-lucky and eternally optimistical self… he begins to play a tune of hated, like an old sounding record playing as if a ritual..

My love always sends me this kind of hate after being sweet as pie to him for months at a time at the very ending of our day, because I even dared to mention his effect of being violent and screaming for hours on end from playing a game after the equal amount of many hours of working hard on the daily grind and praying for a quiet, safe and decent sanctuary a human calls HOME…
Years of lack of sleep, basic decency, and wondering if I am even enough to this person that treats me less than the gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe…
Someone who they believed to have deserved years worth of the beatings, threats of violence of being choked or cheated on or being evicted, worrying about homelessness and even resorting to hiding in closets just to run away from the unstoppable rage that chases me who is supposedly “my love”.
Screaming and shouting over games and shows, ignoring basic kindness like boundaries and privacy. I know as a previous survivor and an introvert, my responses in blue are simply not my norm… but being backed into a corner, you just give up and tell it like it is.

By the way, his comment about my “nest egg” is my income tax that I had to hide away or else he would drink himself to death and the last time he thought I had money was after my father died last May..
My father had no remaining money to give.. but “my love”..
His exact words to me were:

“Take your dead Dad’s money and run”

Please delete Admin if too true to reality, just a gal wanting to share a true experience so others never have to wonder…

Am I enough?

***It only allows me to send one picture, so I will only send his abusive random message. If anyone wants more or my saucy response then please reach out

Thank You

Website Director

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