So I suppose I can tell you my story after 4 years
I was in a DV relationship for 12 years was not good at all
They all start off as nice guys but they all end up being the same when I got with Gary Clayton I didn’t know he had an issue with alcohol lived in a shared accommodation place
When I went to live with him it was ok at the start he drink everyday I didn’t take him long to start abusing me due to alcohol all started off as verbal calling as putting down damage started physical living with other people was very hard no one done anything I left so many times Betty keep finding me and stalking me the abuse that I in devid was not very nice he was very very violent it all started cause obvious alcohol he used to make me go to bed make me watch p**** controlled me and that was just the start oh what was yet to come I had no idea that someone is so capable of doing something so bad to someone it was not very nice every morning I would wake up with black eyes swollen face bruises all over my body I would try and get away bed always find me no matter what hours are the morning or night it was it was bad when we’re living with people he showed his true colours no matter where he went weather was with his best friends only when we strangers he didn’t care who was around in the 12 years will together I left him over 100 times and he kept finding me and stalking me and hurting me worse and in that 12 years show me a different places one place to another didn’t know where I was going to be at the end of the day whether I was going to be alive or alive
When I had to get away from him sometimes I’ll be sleeping on the street sometimes I had nowhere to go and he was at home he’s comfortable bed
He would always have control of my phone and smashed my phone’s all the time in 12 years probably had about 100 numbers and a lot of different phones he would hurt me and then he would tell me to go in the shower and wash myself
He would hit me from behind he would hit me in the head hit me in the face the bite me grab my hair and throw me around like a ragdoll it’s been 4 years since I left him cause of him I suffer from CT PTSD and he done jail twice first in 2010 for 6 months then again 2014 for 9 months
He bashed me and I lost one baby to him when we’re living in reservoir he bashed me when I was pregnant with Cody Cody is nine now and doing very well doesn’t know his father doesn’t want 2
So I’m starting to have memories of everything that he has done to me and flashbacks and my relationship for 12 years was not good I’ll tell you a little bit about what I encountered
Black eyes
Swollen face
He would bite me all the time
Put a screwdriver in my head
Put me in a coma 2014 used to have to run and hide in bushes and local train stations
Had to hide in buildings had to move from hotel to hotel caravan parks the caravan parks people’s houses couchsurfing moving away from everyone but no matter where we went he was always hurting me and hitting me
When we lived in you live in Creswick and I took off from him one time or staying in a hotel and had to give them some rent money to get some shopping so he met me so many down the street in Ballarat we struggle many front hotel or staying out and it started from there all the way down from the top end of Ballarat to the bottom end of Ballarat in 2018 the police will called no stop people help me I was going into shops to try and get away from him he would not get away from me yeah any stalk me at my mum and dad’s house in their suburb now
Took me out to the forest at Black spur caravan Park m bashed the s*** out me and I was pregnant with Cody and left me for dead
Lock me in the bungalow at lucas’
Cheated on me
Watch p*** in front of me and also used to talk to girls so I need everybody to know why my life is so disarrange and so disorganised I’m sorry that I was not there for all my friends that have been there for me but it’s hard when you’re in a DV relationship with somebody who has controller you Ambassadors you all the time so I can’t do anything even even can’t see my family I’m going to put some photos on here that some people not going to like but I need people don’t know what this person did to me and why I been running most of my life and sort of still am I need to tell you my story because it has been so long and I’m getting flashbacks and memories of what he did to me and I need everybody to know once they start they never stop and they just get worse and worse and worse I hope people have got the time to read my story as I encountered this everyday of my life in my head my PTSD and my depression is not good and I’m never going to be the same PTSD is not cured buy medication it’s more of talking about what happened it’s been 4 years and I’m still finding it hard to even recover I’m just so glad that I can tell use all that I was a victim but now I am a survivor

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