Hello my name is Jewelia. I was a victim for 6 years and now been a survivor for 10. While in my abuse I stayed in multiple shelters one of which I currently work at as an advocate! My abuser took advantage of me as a young single mother using religion and my babies as a way to hurt and control me. The more I stayed at the shelters the more i learned and gained an understanding of dv and I was eventually able to leave him completely. What they dont tell you is life after abuse is just as hard I had to learn about boundaries and prevention while looking for a future partner and putting my foot down with my abuser because they often times still continue to control you through any avenue possible. I had to work through depression ptsd and finding my voice again. My dream job was to be an advocate and after 8 years of applying and trying I was fortunate enough to become a case manager at the first shelter I ever lived in when I was 18 with my 2 young children . Even finding a picture of us that was 10 years old whole shredding old documents . I was also able to write and publish my first book, my own memoir detailing my story after befriending a coworker who published all her own books. It was truly a moment of everything happens for a reason. I recently published my second book called battle to Brave . A book I wish I would have received in the beginning of my journey that helps not only survivors understand domestic violence but also loved ones and care providers. I spend my days working and writing dedicating my life to dv. I tried to run from it because at times always being reminded of my past is painful but it’s who I am. God allowed it to happen to me so it won’t happen to my own children and so I can be a light in someone else’s darkness leading them to the other side of that awful tunnel. Helping them is my therapy and I was able to heal through advocating my fellow survivor sisters. I am proof that shelters and education works. Without it I would probably still be with my abuser til this day or worse.

A Two-Time Survivor and Her Journey
By Survivor Barbie I would love to tell you my story. I am a two-time survivor of domestic violence and abuse. *The following story is written by a survivor of domestic violence and abuse. Names have been changed to protect all involved.* The First Attack I was married to my...