My Story – Kayla

My story… I don’t even know where to start… I could type for days and never get through the hell I went through for 9 years…. it started out great pregnant immediately that’s fine I’ll just drop out of collage… then the mental abuse began. It started that the baby wasn’t his. So he wanted another to prove it was his. That’s fine I’ll have another. Okay I’m pregnant again then physical abuse began that day. The day I found out I was pregnant with her.. my daughter. It stated as a couple punches now and then. Then kicking. Choking. Burning. ( he burned my lady parts with a hair straightener.) I’ll fast forward to the end and I’ll make you a list of what I suffered… I wasn’t allowed to go to a hospital or the doctor. Neither were my kids… so anyway the day I escaped. The day before I was beat from the time he woke up to til he went to bed… he stepped on me. He kicked me. He tied me up with duck tape to a pole and whipped me with plastic cv pipe. When it broke he moved to a fishing pole… when I passed out he’d stop. Then it would began all again. That day was literally hell. I wished I was dead so Many times… the next day I went to work. I was covered in cuts, bruises, bumps. And clumps of my hair was ripped out. They called the cops and when they arrived I made a choice to finally speak… it didn’t end there though. On October 30th 2022. My kids wanted to go trickortreating. I agrees to ride with him. That became my biggest mistake. He was fine. Then he wasn’t. He said to me. ” if you don’t drop the pfa so I can come home you won’t make it home alive.” So I played it cool til he stopped at a stop sign. I jumped out of the truck and ran
Into a store… I never thought he’d follow me in. He did he proceeded to follow me through the store and stabbed me 3 times in my chest. And sliced my left side of my neck the whole way up my face. I live with these scars every day. Everytime I look in the mirror I see it. But, I still consider myself lucky because I got out. A lot don’t… the man who did this might get out because of the rule 600. If you don’t know what that is. It’s where an inmate doesn’t get in front of a judge within 180 days in jail they could get out…. I won’t find out til my preliminary which is June 26th the trial is set to start on July 10th (ironic that’s my oldest son’s birthday) if that doesn’t go through he is faces 5 to 10 or 6 to 12… I’m not getting discouraged either way I have faith that he will be punished for his crimes. Either on earth or after….
My list….
4 broken ribs.
I couldn’t tell you how many fractured.
Broken ankle.
Sprained wrists.
Broken orbital bone.
3 stabs
Numerous slices.

I got out…. so can you.

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